Social Media Marketing Deconstructed
Small business owners, particularly those who have been
in business for a while, often approach social media as a marketing tool with a
degree of skepticism. We see this in our
presentations on the subject; some audience members sit with arms crossed and a
bit of a frown on their faces. It doesn’t
take a PhD to recognize there are some barriers that need to be overcome.
We begin by deconstructing the phrase social media marketing and telling the audience
to ignore, for a moment, the word in the middle; media. And by promising,
they know more about this than they think.
Marketing is
“Let’s begin with marketing.”
At the root of everything “marketing”, including
marketing with social media, is the necessity to understand the customer,
understand what a business can do for the customer, and communicate in terms
that will resonate with the customer.
A bit of work in practice, but conceptually this is
nothing new. And something that most
small business people comprehend intuitively – or quickly come to understand if
they expect to stay in business.
“Does this make
sense?” we ask. Nods, generally,
around the room. Marketing is marketing
is marketing, and the basics have been in place essentially forever.
Humans are
Social Animals
“Now, let’s talk
about the first word; social.”
Ever since we metaphorically lived in caves, humans have
been social animals. We have depended upon
each other collectively for our survival.
Clans, tribes, families, faiths, nations, friends, and probably numerous
other manifestations throughout history attribute to our social nature.
An individual’s survival has depended upon the ability to
quickly size-up a situation; friend or foe, fight or flight, safe or
dangerous. Before we left the cave each
morning, we scanned for tigers, traps, or treachery. By now, it is hard-wired in to our social
“We all know how to
be social. We’ve been doing it all our
A few arms unfold.
A few frowns relax.
“When you first
meet someone, or enter into a social situation like a party, what do you
do? You size them, or it, up.”
“When someone
speaks to you, or asks a question, what do you usually do?”
“You answer back. You wouldn’t stand there, stone-faced. That’s
being social – you know this.”
More unfolding and relaxing.
“When you
have a question about something, who do you ask?”
Now we prompt for answers. Specific examples come back and we stop when
we hear this: ‘someone we trust.’
“That’s right”,
we say. In the family, clan, tribe –
someone we trust.
Dare to
Reconstruct Social Marketing
So, social marketing would be leveraging the trusted
relationships a customer (or potential customer) already has to help explain in
terms resonant with them how your business can help them.
“Make sense?” we
ask. “Pretty simple, right?”
And behold: the arms have unfolded and the frowns disappeared
– sometimes even replaced with smiles.
“See, you know this
stuff. Told ya’.”
Concluding, we add:
Don’t worry so much about the “media”. Media come and go. They all have their specific rules and
requirements, like column-inches in a newspaper ad. That’s not the important part.
“Okay to continue?”
With nods and relaxed attendees who understand why we
market using social media, we proceed to show them how.
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